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December 2021 –
Advent greetings ✨

The year 2021 is drawing to a close. This year, too, was dominated by the ongoing Corona pandemic. Corona turned many things upside down, but it also showed us that we can emerge from a crisis in a strong position. Together we have mastered the challenges and made the best of the situation.

We would like to thank our business partners for the good cooperation and sweeten the Advent season with chocolate.

The chocolate from “Fairafric” stands for sustainability without equal and is produced directly in Africa.

70% of the world’s cocoa comes from West Africa. However, less than 1% of the world’s chocolate is currently produced in West Africa. This is where “Fairafric” comes in and sources almost all ingredients from Africa and produces in Ghana. This means that the added value is created in Africa and contributes to an increase in income in the country of origin of the cocoa. (Source:

We wish you all a wonderful and contemplative Advent season.