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August 2023 –
Children´s holiday programme at the Wissenswerkstatt EULE

For the eighth time, we are pleased to offer the children of our staff the summer holiday programme of the eule gmünder wissenswerkstatt Eule.

In the first and last week of the summer holidays, there is a varied programme for children between the ages of 8 and 15.

The children build, experiment and work with a wide variety of materials. They saw, sand, drill, solder, design, build and of course laugh.

With tools such as saws, hammers, screwdrivers, drills, soldering irons, 3D printers, laser cutters, laptops and robots, the children can immerse themselves in the fields of mechanics, electrical engineering, robotics and digitalisation. To compensate, many outdoor activities are offered on the playing fields and parkour of the Youth Mile. And the proximity to the Taubental valley is also used for excursions into nature.

We are happy about the cooperation with the Eule and that we can offer our employees and their children this great offer.