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Compliance & Code of Conduct


The topic of compliance - observing rules and laws - is an indispensable part of our everyday business. With the help of our Code of Conduct, we communicate to our employees, key guidelines and requirements for conduct that we have imposed on ourselves as part of a voluntary commitment. Our Code of Conduct applies to all employees, regardless of hierarchical level, and shows how we implement integrity in our daily work.

Code of Conduct

Prohibition of corruption & bribery
We do not tolerate corruption or money laundering. Bribery attempts must be reported immediately by each employee to their supervisor. In addition, every employee must observe the regulations and laws against money laundering. All suspected cases of money laundering must also be reported immediately to the respective supervisor.

Dealing with third party donations
Third party donations must be strictly rejected if they relate to a specific compensation or could be understood as an attempt to influence. Irrespective of this, all donations from third parties must be rejected if they violate internal guidelines or laws. Benefits, such as invitations or gifts, may generally only be accepted if they are within reasonable limits and conform to the above guidelines.

Avoiding conflicts of interest
We undertake to strictly separate private and professional interests and to make decisions solely in the interest and for the benefit of the company. The use of private benefits from business relationships is prohibited. We conduct ourselves lawfully and undertake to avoid conflicts of interest. Any suspicion of a conflict of interest between private and business matters must be reported immediately by each employee to the respective superior.

Discrimination a taboo – fair treatment of all employees
We do not tolerate discrimination, bullying, any kind of racism or sexual harassment. Respectful, fair and objective treatment among all employees is our highest priority. Every employee is obliged to respect the personal dignity of others.

Prohibition of child and forced labour
We respect human rights and do not tolerate child or forced labour. We expect the same from all our customers, suppliers and partners.

Confidentiality of company and business data
We commit ourselves to absolute confidentiality of company and business data, even beyond the employment relationship. Internal company data may neither be used for the use of own interests nor made accessible to third parties. This confidentiality applies equally to information that we receive from our customers, suppliers or business partners.

Environmentally friendly actions
We act in a sustainable, environmentally conscious and resource-saving manner. Each employee is responsible for ensuring that valid laws, internal guidelines and environmental protection regulations are respected in his or her area of work.

Equal opportunities for all employees
Equality and equal rights are important basic values for us. We value every employee equally. Therefore, every employee is given the same career advancement or development opportunities and is not disadvantaged because of his or her social background, gender, religion, nationality, age or disability.

Compliance with industrial safety standards
The health of our employees is our top priority. Therefore, every employee is obliged to comply with valid laws and regulations on industrial safety and accident prevention. All employees must immediately report possible sources of accidents to their supervisor or, if possible, eliminate them themselves.

Careful handling of company property
We handle company property carefully and economically. Operating resources or equipment may only be used for their intended purpose and may not be misused for private purposes in a prohibited manner.

Code of Conduct for suppliers

The Code of Conduct for suppliers is published in our download area.

Mössner Compliance Management System

For Mössner, it is essential that all employees comply with internal guidelines and codes of conduct, as well as laws and rules. For us, this means that we adhere to internal and external rules and act according to our corporate values. Our values and our Code of Conduct are our principles and give us orientation in everyday life and in critical situations. For this reason, Mössner would like to give its employees and external stakeholders, i.e. customers, suppliers, business partners or the general public, the opportunity to report illegal or unethical behaviour within the company August Mössner GmbH + Co KG.

Options for reporting compliance violations

Possible compliance cases can be reported to our compliance officer via the following e-mail address:

To be able to process your suspicious cases as quickly and effectively as possible, we would like to ask you to describe the case as concretely as possible.

(Who? What? How? Where? When?)

It would also be helpful if you could leave your contact details for further enquiries.

However, if you wish to preserve your identity, you can also submit information anonymously via the following postal address:

Personal / Confidential
Compliance Officer

August Mössner GmbH + Co. KG
Hohenstaufenstraße 3
73569 Eschach, Deutschland

Please note that our Compliance Officer is obliged to treat all reported compliance cases with absolute confidentiality.

Your identity will be treated confidentially during all steps of the procedure and will not be disclosed to third parties, neither to the accused person himself nor to other individuals at Mössner.