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Presses & Toolmaking

Presses & Toolmaking

Remove burrs, chills, sprue and risers quickly and efficiently with our special presses and deburring presses. Benefit from a complete solution existing of automation technology, press, tooling and commissioning.

In addition to the individual components, we offer you a turnkey solution for your deburring system, whereas we integrate column presses or develop special presses and C-presses for various applications and tasks. Among others, these are used for chassis parts, structural parts and powertrain components. With our automation technology you receive the entire plant technology with robot handling and control technology. You also receive the necessary deburring tools for your press. All from one source.

Special presses are also available from us as so-called driven tools. These are particularly suitable for lighter processing. Standard hydraulic components, aggregates, valves and cylinders enable a favourable service life and facilitate maintenance. The driven tools are optimised for fast loading and unloading by a robot and allow a targeted application of the spray agent. The removed burrs can be easily conveyed on vibrating chutes or belts to appropriate containers.

Cooling iron is used to accelerate the solidification of the melt in those areas that are prone to the formation of blowholes or to influence the density of the casting. The removal of these chillers is carried out by ejection stations. With the help of up to 200 tons of pressure force, the ejection of the chilled irons takes place within a very short time. The ejected chilled irons can be removed and palletised by a robot. We supply the robust ejection stations as well as the necessary automation technology with robot handling.

We integrate pillar presses, C-frame presses and deburring presses from various manufacturers. Our goal is to provide you with a turnkey solution including press, press tooling, automation technology, commissioning and service. This means only one contact person within your project.

Due to our many years of experience in the field of deburring and press design, we can supply deburring tools suitable for your requirements. We take over maintenance, service, planning, integration and run-in of the tools for you. Castings are 3D-measured by us. The cutting tool is created based on this data.

Your contact for presses & toolmaking