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Simulation technology

Simulation technology

Frequently, the lack of accessi­bility to stations, incorrect base heights or inter­fering contours of plant components are pit­falls in robot integration. These problems usually only become apparent during com­missio­ning. This leads to avoidable costs caused by delays during com­missio­ning, conver­sion measures and increased material and personnel require­ments.

Simulation techno­logy enables early fault detec­tion in the develop­ment phase. We take care of the simulation of the plant and the robot solution for you. As a result, the plant concept, the process simulation as well as the offline program of the robot path movements are available to you, according to the scope of simulation.


Robot simulation

Through concept studies, we define the type of robot necessary for your require­ments or check the suitabi­lity of kinematics proposed by you. In addition to determining the required reach, positio­ning and base height of the robot, the load capacity is calcu­lated. The simulation model of your plant is created by using 3D CAD data. This enables us to check any collisions that may occur and make recommen­dations for the optimum positioning of the indivi­dual plant stations and robots. During the simul­ation, not only collisions are avoided, but also movements and positions that lead through the singu­larity.

Direct, rapid feedback is important in order to drive optimi­sations forward as early as the concept phase. There­fore, in addition to the 2D layout of the plant, we provide you with a process simulation video at an early stage.

The motion sequences of your ABB, KUKA or Fanuc robot are created using offline programming tools. The resulting source code can be used for the actual robot. Envelopes can also be calculated and the safety areas for SafeOperation, DCS and SafeMove Pro can be defined. Virtual com­missio­ning of the robot considerably reduces the com­missio­ning time for new installations. When converting or retro­fitting existing production plants, downtime is reduced to a minimum. The collision analysis using simulation technology enables the rapid implemen­tation of robot integration.

We offer cycle time analysis and cycle time optimi­sations for new and existing plants. By using RCS modules (Realistic Controller Simulation) the cycle time of the robot is examined in the simu­lation and potential savings are shown. The cycle time analysis is up to 98% accurate. For the cycle time evalu­ation, the existing code from the robot is transmitted into the simu­lation, then the optimised code is returned to the robot – the implemen­tation time is therefore short.


  • Early fault detection
  • Robot-optimised plant layouts
  • Reduction of error costs
  • Simplified communication of robot sequences
  • Reduction of collisions
  • Reduction of the commissioning time and thus a faster SOP
  • Reduction of the start-up time
  • Advantage for time-critical projects
  • Process and cycle time optimisation on the digital twin
  • Quick product change

Applied software tools

  • ABB RobotStudio
  • KUKA.Sim Pro
  • Fanuc Roboguide
  • Siemens RobotExpert
  • Visual components